import SupportButton from '@/components/SupportButton';


<SupportButton />

Remember to choose text that encourages users to seek help when needed, promoting a positive support experience. The current implementation uses “Contact support” with a right chevron icon, which is clear and straightforward.

The SupportButton component creates a button that, when clicked, provides support access through one of the following methods:

  • Opens Crisp chat widget (if NEXT_PUBLIC_CRISP_WEBSITE_ID is defined)
  • Opens Userdesk chat widget (if NEXT_PUBLIC_USERDESK_WEBSITE_ID is defined)
  • Opens the default email client with a pre-filled support email (as a fallback)


When customizing the SupportButton component:

  • Keep the button text concise and action-oriented (e.g., “Get Help”, “Contact Support”)
  • Consider adding an icon to make the button more visually appealing
  • Ensure the text aligns with your brand voice and support strategy

If you need basic components like buttons, inputs, and more, they are available with Shadcn UI.