Add a Logo to Your Website

To add your logo to the website, you need to replace the image file inside the public/images/ directory. The image file should be named logo.svg. If you dont have a logo in the SVG format, you can use the following online tools to convert your logo to SVG.

Add a custom checkout icon (optional)

To add a custom icon that are represented on the checkou buttons on the website, you need to replace the image file inside the public/images/ directory. The image file should be named logo-white.svg. It should be a white SVG image with a transparent background.

Checkout Button


Add a Favicon to Your Website

To add a favicon to the website, you need to replace the image file inside the src/app/ directory. The image file should be named favicon.ico. The best way to create a favicon is to use an online tool like

If you generate a favicon using the tool, you will get a zip file containing all the necessary files. You can replace the favicon.ico file with the one you generated. You can also replace the apple-icon.png file with the one you generated.

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