Launch Express supports Google Fonts and also Local Fonts.

If you want to use it, you can check out the original documentation from Next.js

Google Fonts

By default, Launch Express uses the Bricolage_Grotesque font from Google Fonts, but you can easily change this to any other Google Font. Here’s how to use Google Fonts:

// Default font
import { Bricolage_Grotesque as Font } from "next/font/google";
// Change to the font you want to use
import { Inter as Font } from "next/font/google";
// or
import { Roboto as Font } from "next/font/google";
// or any other Google Font

No other configuration is needed. The font will be automatically added to the head of your page.

Local Fonts

If you want to use local fonts, you can import them from next/font/local:

import { LocalFont } from "next/font/local";

Then, initialize the font with the required configuration:

import localFont from "next/font/local";

// Font files can be colocated inside of `app`
const myFont = localFont({
	src: [
			path: "../public/fonts/my-font-bold.woff2",
			weight: "400",
			style: "normal",
			path: "../public/fonts/my-font-bold.woff2",
			weight: "700",
			style: "normal",

<body className={cn('min-h-screen bg-background antialiased', myFont.className)}>

If you need an more detailed explanation, you can check out the original documentation from Next.js